Safety and Health

Our Safety and Health points

ILP recognises its statutory and moral responsibilities to provide a safe, healthy and pleasant work space and culture for those who work with us. We work to ensure the safe design, construction, operation and maintenance of our projects and are committed to provide a healthy and safe work environment to prevent injuries and ill health of our employees, workers, contractors, visitors and other stake holders who may be affected by the company’s operations. Moreover, ILP supports sustainable and completive business activities including activities performed by associates under its organisational control.

To accomplish this, ILP shall:

  • Ensure timely compliance of all applicable legal and other statuary requirements relating to Environment, Health and Safety and establish systems for their tracking, monitoring and review.
  • Integrate OH&S in all its activities and be proactive in achieving the goal of zero harm and prevention of injuries and ill health of all its employees and other stakeholders, by establishing an effective OH&S management system to carry out this policy.
  • Pro-actively identify the OH&S risks and opportunities throughout the organisation and apply the risk management philosophy and practices that aim to identify and eliminate the hazards wherever possible and where this cannot be achieved, implement appropriate control measures to manage the risks at a level that is as low as reasonably practicable.
  • Provide OH&S induction training to all new entrants, carry out hazard communication and disseminate relevant information to all employees and contract associates, provide them need based training and ensure adequate supervision. Provide training and learning to employees and contract associates to ensure competence and awareness in order to effectively carry out the requirements of the OH&S management system.
  • Set up appropriate OH&S objectives and targets to continually improve occupational health and safety parameters, in consultation with all stakeholders. In addition, monitor our performance against these targets and conduct periodic performance reviews.
  • Plan and provide all the required adequate resources and support in terms of man, material, machine, money and method for implementing the OH&S management system in a time-bound manner.
  • Work closely with employees and contract associates, establish organisational set-up with allocation of appropriate role, responsibility, accountability and authority at different levels, and lead by example.
  • Encourage employee participation by way of safety committees and other means for improved and effective OH&S management, and monitor the progress through periodic management reviews.
  • Encourage adoption of best practices and establishment of a non-punitive safety culture where every incident, accident and dangerous occurrence is reported, recorded, investigated and all corrective and preventive measures implemented and regularly monitored.
  • Establish a Management of Change procedure to ensure that health, safety and environmental risks are controlled whenever there is any change or modification in facilities, infrastructure, equipment, materials, procedures, documentation, operations or personnel.
  • Conduct periodic audits and risk assessments for regular evaluation of the status of OH&S.
  • Integrate OH&S in all decisions like purchase of equipment, machinery, material as well as selection and placement of personnel.
  • Lay weightage on the OH&S performance of individuals while considering their career advancement.
  • Communicate the management’s intent of continually improving the OH&S performance and fostering the expectation that every employee shall follow this policy and report an OH&S concern to the management.
  • Provide a resume of the OH&S performance in the company’s management report and corporate sustainability report.
  • Display the policy available to all employees, stakeholders and to other interested external parties. The policy shall be reviewed periodically every year or as and when required.